Sunday, February 26, 2006

Great Things Ahead

Always i see GREAT things ahead..Sometimes it's hard to really see the details but i know that what lies ahead is always better. i keep believing in the human race and in the right for all people to live and be free. i keep praying that people
( myself included of course) will continue to search there hearts and make better decisions based on love and forgiveness and mercy. This is my prayer.....
Just returned from a week in Austin where I attended the Folk Alliance National Conference. Myself, along with my songwriting buddies, Frank Meyer, George Ensle',Doug Fesler, and Bill Passaquala formed a group called, The Gazebo Song Group" and had a space in the exhibit hall. It was quite an experience, one I was not quite prepared for, but all in all i believe it was a worth while venture.
I made a lot of new contacts and played 13 different showcases in front of all new people, it was quite different than the small regional one I attended in Austin in October 05'. In contrast to the friendly and quite easily manuvered Southwest Regional Folk Alliance Conference ,this one was huge and I easliy got overwhelemed, but i sure learned alot about myself and where i am in regards to the national Talent that is out there. I look forward to next year in Memphis with The Gazebo Song Group a little more prepared this time.
I also had my fine old Alverez Yairi DY85 stolen, as well as my wallet. This did not occur at the Folk Alliance but at another location on the morning of Feb 13. The news of it quickly spread throughout the folk music community and many, many people made contributions towards replaciong my money and guitar, thanks in big part to my pal Tom Prasada Rao and Steve James and David LaMotte ( and many other annonynus people). I love the musical community and thank the Lord for such a great family.
I do not get my joy from a guitar or any other THING so the loss was simply that. i would like to have it back, but it isn't necessary for me to remain at peace and upbeat. One GREAT gift that i received because of the loss of my guitar was a reconnection to an old and great friend who recieved one of the numerous e-mail sent out by one of many musicians. he got an e-mail about Butch Morgan's guitar and my phone number was attached ( he did't get the e-mail from me, it came from someone in Austin who simply sent an e-mail out to there mailing list) so he called me. It was my best friend in High School that i had lost contact with in 1979. So because i lost my guitar i received something much more valuble,my old friend back in my life. Yee-Hawllelujah..
Well I have some new places to play and am looking forward to tomorrow, i pray you are doing the same, thanks for checking in and visiting the site, hope to see you down the trail...your musical pal, Claude"Butch"Morgan

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