Friday, July 04, 2008

Independance Day

Sitting in the comfort and safety of our home, it is easy to be
comfortable and smug. We must remember the price paid for our
Independence. The many lives that were given and sacrifices made so
that we might enjoy "Freedom" and peace here at home.
I am looking at the flag and remembering a day not too long ago
Sept 11 when we were all united and everyone was flying their flag. We
had a common unity and purpose. That unity has faded into yesterday
and we are now "divided" in many arenas , but i still feel a oneness
here, I know that we are not divided on the BIG issues of the day. The
media would like us to think so,thaty everything is terrible, but i
don't trust them for much of what i believe. What i believe is in my
heart and was given to me through the sacrifices of others. It was
handed down from generation to generation, i got it from my parent's,
you got it from yours ,they got it from thier's. It's a belief in
America and Americans, to pull through and get up and over any
obstacle and to have the courage to fight to make the world a better
place for everyone. A place where ALL people are free, not just
Americans. This is the greatest of hope's and it is our duty to do it.
I believe that this is the greatest country on the planet. It is
our country, not right or wrong, but right and wrong. We make our
mistakes but we as the people of America, AMERICANS, always find a way
to get the job done. I am PROUD to be an American. Proud of our
founding fathers, our many patriots who gave their lives to defend
this great cause and this great country. Proud of the veteran's of all
wars who have made many sacrifices, thousands paving the way to our
freedom with their blood. I am proud of the free spirit and the open
market society that allows competition to thrive so that we can
continue to progress towards a better way of life for our children and
their children. I love the fact that nobody places limits on me except
myself and i can accomplish as much as i set my mind to. Where else
could a guy who is relatively unknown except in a small circle of
people, make a living playing music. I play my music where i want to,
when I want to. That is freedom and i treasure it in all it's many
forms. The hard working people of America who each day, get up and
get it done, come home to their families have some pizza, watch a
little TV and go to bed only to get up the next day and hit it again,
determined to make it a better place for generations to come.
On this 4th of July Celebrate all you have and all you have come
through. Celebrate the many great men and women who have made our
lives as we know them on this day, possible. We are living the dream.
God Bless America, God bless our troops and God bless you. Your
musical pal Claude"Butch"Morgan
Claude Morgan

Butch Morgan